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google adwords ads или yandex direct

Google Ads vs Yandex Direct: which is better?

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Clients often ask us which would be more effective for their business: contextual advertising in the Google Ads system (Adwords, Google Advertising) or Yandex Direct. Of course, it’s difficult to predict in advance; it all depends on your niche and the region of display. The best way to find out where advertising is more effective is to conduct a test in both systems and rely solely on the numbers.

контекстная реклама google ads и яндекс директ

What is Contextual Advertising in Google Ads

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Contextual Advertising Google Ads is one of the main ways to promote your website on the internet and get targeted traffic. Setting up contextual advertising in Google Ads allows you to show your website to users in Google search results, as well as on other resources that are part of the advertising networks of search engines.

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Contextual Advertising vs SEO Promotion?

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If you have created a website and want people to know about it, and for it to start generating income for you, sooner or later you will have to think about promoting it. In this article, we will compare SEO and contextual advertising, specifically for those who cannot decide which method to choose for promoting their website.

контекстно медийная сеть Google

Google Display Network

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In addition to displaying your ads in the Google search results, there is another type of contextual advertising: displaying ads in the Google Display Network (GDN).

семантическое ядро

Semantic core – how to create

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Site Semantic Core (SSC) is a set of phrases that describe the website, its theme, and direction. For very large websites, the semantic core can contain several thousand keywords. Regardless of the promotion method you choose—SEO or contextual advertising—you must start with collecting queries.

negative keywords

How to Gather Negative Keywords for Contextual Advertising in Google Ads

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When compiling a list of queries for a campaign, each of us sees how many keywords have to be filtered out because they are clearly irrelevant. To ensure that your ads do not show for such queries, you need to create a list of negative keywords (stop words). We will explain how to do this in this article.

remarketing is

Setting Up Remarketing in Google Ads

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Google Ads Remarketing

Google Ads Remarketing is a great tool that allows you to bring visitors back to your website. For instance, a user has already visited your site, and you want to remind them about it. Or the user viewed a product but didn’t make a purchase, and you want to remind them about that product and bring them back to the site.