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Case study on promoting the website of a law firm

Setup and Management of Targeted Advertising for a Law Firm’s Website

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Project description:

  • Region: Ukraine.
  • Ad networks: Facebook.
  • Promotion duration: 30 months.
  • Ad format: Facebook feed ads.


The main task was to attract targeted visitors to the law firm’s website. To achieve this goal, we decided to work on the target audiences and create separate ad campaigns for each audience with different objectives (conversion, traffic, reach, engagement), testing the results of each.

List of tasks completed:

  • Landing page analyzed.
  • Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel analytics systems set up.
  • Audiences for Facebook ads carefully selected.
  • Ads created for all target ad groups.
  • Ad campaigns set up separately for Kyiv and major cities in Ukraine.
  • Each ad campaign included detailed analysis of the attracted traffic, ad adjustments, and audience refinements.


1,500 visitors / month

1,500 website visitors / month from Facebook and Instagram

45,000 total visitors

45,000 visitors over 30 months of promotion


During this period, Facebook ad campaigns brought over 45,000 visitors to the website. The most conversion-oriented campaigns were those with the objective “traffic.

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