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Case Study: Promoting an Application for Shopify Platform

Setting up and managing contextual advertising for the website of a Shopify platform application across the USA and the United Kingdom.

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Project description:

  • Region of Promotion: USA, United Kingdom.
  • Advertising Networks: Facebook, Instagram, Google.
  • Promotion Period: 3 months.
  • Advertising Format: Targeted advertising in Facebook and Instagram feeds, search and display advertising in Google.


Shopify is an e-commerce platform widely used in the USA and Europe. The promoted application offered users a convenient way to automate the creation of video ads based on the online store’s assortment. The uniqueness of this application lied in its innovative approach and the unformed demand of users for such functionality. The main task was to install and purchase the application by website visitors. To accomplish this task, advertising on Facebook and Instagram was targeted at audiences who use or are interested in the Shopify platform, or who are planning to launch their online store. Google ads were targeted at related near-target queries that indicate the user’s belonging to the target audience (there were no direct queries about the application or similar functionality, as the application was innovative). In the context-media network, advertising was targeted at similar keywords and audiences of online store owners in the USA and the United Kingdom. All ads were created in English.

List of tasks completed:

  • Analysis of the landing page.
  • Setup of Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
  • Careful selection of audiences for advertising on Facebook/Instagram and for display advertising in Google.
  • Compilation of keywords list for Google search advertising.
  • Creation of ads for targeted, search, and display advertising.
  • Detailed refinement of negative keywords list to filter out non-target traffic.
  • Advertising campaigns were set up separately for major cities in the USA and the United Kingdom and overall by countries, excluding major cities.
  • Each advertising campaign was accompanied by a detailed analysis of the traffic, adjustment of ads, and audiences.


492 Conversions

Conversion Rate – 16%

3075 Total Visitors

Cost per Conversion – $4.8


Facebook/Instagram, on one hand, and Google Ads, on the other hand, worked almost equally, mutually reinforcing each other. The cost per conversion fit into the expected CPA, allowing for further campaign scaling.

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