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Режим работы: с 10-00 до 18-00

Case study on the promotion of the website of an audit company

Setting up and managing contextual advertising for an auditing company’s website

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Project description:

  • Region: Ukraine.
  • Advertising networks: Google.
  • Promotion period: 24 months.
  • Constraints: small budget.
  • Ad formats: search advertising, media advertising, remarketing.


The main task is to attract targeted visitors to the website of the auditing company. An audit of the existing advertising campaigns revealed low-quality ad settings and, consequently, low traffic. To address the task, it was decided to set up search campaigns from scratch in Google Ads, as well as campaigns in the Context-Media Network and Remarketing.

List of tasks completed:

  • Compiled a list of target queries to attract only relevant traffic.
  • Thoroughly worked on the list of negative keywords.
  • Search campaigns created for each service on the website and separately for Kiev and Ukraine.
  • Ads crafted, 2 for each key phrase. One of the ads utilized a dynamic headline to improve CTR.
  • Extensions added to the ads.
  • Campaigns set up in Google Display Network and Remarketing campaign to attract visitors who have previously visited the site.


200 visitors per month

Start of promotion – 200 website visitors per month from all sources

26,886 visitors in total

Over 24 months of promotion, there were 1700 visitors per month from advertising alone, which accounts for more than 95% of all traffic.

promotion of an auditing company website


During the specified period, Google Ads campaigns accounted for 95% of all traffic to the website.

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